
判断题 That is the existing product range. "product range" means product portfolio.

判断题 If you are stuck, change to a new point.‘To be stuck’means to be sure of something.

判断题 The new launch date is very tight.‘Tight’ here means not leaving enough time.

单项选择题 A: As you know, JK Toys has a strong presence in Europe. B: Yes, I saw your sales figures for last year.()

单项选择题 We always buy products with the()sales performance.

单项选择题 A:Do you like it? B:()

单项选择题 A: Its good of you to see me. B:().I have heard a lot about your company.

单项选择题 Sally,()you have arranged for me tomorrow, it’s canceled.

单项选择题 They have a very big budget. They()five percent of their profit to that department.

单项选择题 A:Do you know our company at all? B:No, it's the first time()here.

单项选择题 A:Im afraid Mr. Watson is not in the office at the moment. B:()

单项选择题 We employ about seven hundred full-time people. But we()causal staff when we need them.

单项选择题 A:Something important has come up.() B:Can it wait? I’ll be through in ten minutes.

单项选择题 We can make the new research an()priority.

单项选择题 This result()my research, Can you see it?

单项选择题 A:Good morning. Phil Watsons office. B:()

单项选择题 A:() B:Yes. I havent retired yet.

单项选择题 A:Here is the company structure of Bibury Systems. B:I see. Where does Kate fit()the company structure?

单项选择题 A:Are you Edward Green? B:()

单项选择题 We agreed()in front of the building this afternoon.