

One thorn(刺)of experience is worth many times of warning.
Ralph Wick was seven years old.In most things he was a fine boy,but he would cry fromtime to time.When he could not have what he wanted,he would C-31 for it.If hewas told that it would hurt him,and he could not C-32 it,he would also cry.
One day,he went with his mother into the C-33.The sun shone.The grass wascut.The flowers were starting to come out.
Ralph thought he was,for once,a good boy.A C-34 was on his face.He wished todo as he was told.Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy.
"Now you must be tired and C-35 said his mother."Have a good rest hereand eat some cookies.I wil get a beautiful red rose for you."So his mother brought the redflower to him.When he saw his mother stil had a white rose in her hand,Ralph C-36 it.
"No,my dear,"said his mother."See how many thorns it has.You must not touch it,or you would be sure to hurt your C-37." When Ralph found that he could not havethe white rose,he began to cry,and
C-38 took it away.But he was soon very sorry.The thorns hurt his hand.It was so C-39 that he could not use it for some time.
Ralph would never C-40 this.From then on,when he wanted what he shouldnot have,his mother would point to his hand which had been hurt before.He at last learnedto do as he was told.

C-37.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()



单项选择题 C-36.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()

单项选择题 C-35.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()

单项选择题 C-34.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()

单项选择题 C-33.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()

单项选择题 C-32.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()

单项选择题 C-31.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()

单项选择题 以下不属于无限联结的工具是()。

判断题 很多时候我们改变不了事情,但可以通过改变对这个事情的态度从而调整情绪。

判断题 当我们觉察并接纳自己的情绪后,要情绪一点时间,允许自己去体验或感受这份情绪,然后学着创造条件进行合理的情绪宣泄。

判断题 投射是一种主观的心理臆测活动,是有对错的。

判断题 在心理因素中,认知的作用是显而易见的,它可以帮助我们正确的认识我们自己、正确认识他人、正确认识社会,从而正确处理自我与他人、与社会的关系。

判断题 个体生理因素主要包括身高、体重、血压、健康状况、年龄、疾病情况等因素,侧重的是每个人在生理机能上的特点、发展和变化。

判断题 认识自我才能够不过分地被他人的评价影响自己的决定。

判断题 认识自我能够帮助我们挖掘自身的资源和优势,正确认识和接纳个人的局限,形成客观的自我评价和积极的自我态度。

判断题 个人成长是指个体对自身成长的定义和评估。

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