

解析:含义题。'in depth'出现在第一段第二句中,而理解'in depth'一词的关键是理解之后一句中...

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单项选择题 跨文化交际能力可分为交际能力和跨文化能力。交际能力包括:语言能力、语用能力和策略能力。三者相互联系,相互制约,协调工作。跨文化能力包括:对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性,文化差异的敏感性是指文化差异的识别能力;宽容性是指对异国文化的理解和尊重;处理文化的差异的灵活性涉及两个方面,一是交际者根据对方文化的背景灵活调整自己的交际行为,使交际取得预期效果的能力,二是处理由文化差异而引起交际冲突的能力。

未知题型 By saying 'from the point of view of evolution, human beings are very young children indeed'(paragraph 3), the author meansA.very young children are not civiliseD.B.evolution does not help civilization forwarD.C.human beings are still at the beginning of their life on earth.D.human beings have learnt very little in a very long timE.

单项选择题 如何删除数组的最后一个元素() (3分) A. array_del B. array_push C. array_key D. array_pop

未知题型 The real reason for ChoicePoint's fast expansion is thatA.it collects and sells personal information.B.it has acquired nearly 60 firms since 1997.C.the industry is largely unregulated by the government.D.the information it provides is useful to many.

未知题型 马来西亚的主要宗教是()。

单项选择题 言语交际中提出”地点安全准则”,主要是为了回避和提防潜在的听话人。

问答题 纳米纤维素膜除了在传统的应用领域得到深化外,在新型建材、电子器件、膜分离、艺术设计、功能包装等领域具有潜在的应用前景。比如我们可以将其应用到可折叠、轻便式透明导电的太阳能纸电池,或者柔性OLED显示器的衬底。主要是利用了他的那些优点?   A、  A. 可折叠  B、  B. 透明  C、  C. 透光率高  D、  D. 生物相容性

未知题型 The majority of people, about nine out of ten, are right-handeD.(1)_____ until recently, people who were left-handed were considered (2)_____ and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally (3)_____, but it is still a disadvantage in a world (4)_____ most people are right-handeD.For example, most tools and implements are still (5)_____ for right-handed peoplE.In sports (6)_____ contrast, doing things with the left hand or foot, is often an advantagE.Throwing, kicking, punching or batting from the' (7)_____ 'side may result in throwing (8)_____ many opponents who are more accustomed to dealing with the (9)_____ of players who are right-handeD.This is why, in many (10)_____ at a professional level, a (11)_____ proportion of players are left-handed than in the population as a wholE.The word 'right' in many languages means 'correct' or is (12)_____ with lawfulness, whereas the words associated (13)_____ 'left', such as 'sinister', generally have (14)_____ associations. Moreover, among a number of primitive peoples, there is (15)_____ close association between death and the left hanD.In the past, in (16)_____ western societies, children were often forced to use their right hands, especially to write with. In some cases the left hand was (17)_____ behind the child's back so that it could not be useD.If, in the future, they are allowed to choose, (18)_____ will certainly be more left-handers, and probably (19)_____ people with minor psychological disturbances as a result of being forced to use their (20)_____ hanD.A.DownB.NeverC.UpD.Not

未知题型 The mid-sixties saw the start of a project that, along with other similar research, was to teach us a great deal about the chimpanzee minD.This was Project Washoe, conceived by Trixie and Allen Gardner. They purchased an infant chimpanzee and began to teach her the signs of ASL, the American Sign Language used by the deaF.Twenty years earlier another husband and wife team, Richard and Cathy Hayes, had tried, with an almost total lack of success, to teach a young chimp, Vikki, to talk. The Hayess undertaking taught us a lot about the chimpanzee mind, but Vikki, although she did well in IQ tests, and was clearly an intelligent youngster, could not learn human speech. The Gardners, however, achieved spectacular success with their pupil, WashoE.Not only did she learn signs easily, but she quickly began to string them together in meaningful ways. It was clear that each sign evoked, in her mind, a mental image of the object it representeD.If, for example, she was asked, in sign language, to fetch an apple, she would go and locate an apple that was out of sight in another room.Other chimps entered the project, some starting their lives in deaf signing families before joining WashoE.And finally Washoe adopted an infant, Loulis. He came from a lab where no thought of teaching signs had ever penetrateD.When he was with Washoe he was given no lessons in language acquisition—not by humans, anyway. Yet by the time he was eight years old he had made fifty-eight signs in their correct contexts. How did he learn them? Mostly, it seems, by imitating the behavior. of Washoe and the other three signing chimps, Dar, Moja and Tam. Sometimes, though, he received tuition from Washoe herselF.One day, for example, she began to swagger about bipedally, hair bristling, signing food! food! food! in great excitement. She had seen a human approaching with a bar of chocolatE.Loulis, only eighteen months old, watched passively. Suddenly Washoe stopped her swaggering, went over to him, took his hand, and moulded the sign for food (fingers pointing towards mouth). Another time, in a similar context, she made the sign for chewing gum—but with her hand on his body. On a third occasion Washoe picked up a small chair, took it over to Loulis, set it down in front of him, and very distinctly made the chair sign three times, watching him closely as she did so. The two food signs became incorporated into Loulis's vocabulary but the sign for chair did not. Obviously the priorities of a young chimp are similar to those of a human child!Chimpanzees who have been taught a language can combine signs creatively in order to describe objects for which they have no symbol. Washoe, for example, puzzled her caretakers by asking, repeatedly, for a rock berry. Eventually it transpired that she was referring to brazil nuts which she had encountered for the first time a while beforE.Another language-trained chimp described a cucumber as a green bananA.They can even invent signs. Lucy, as she got older, had to be put on a leash for her outings. One day, eager to set off but having no sign for leash, she signaled her wishes by holding a crooked index finger to the ring on her collar. This sign became part of her vocabulary.The example of Washoe being sent to fetch an apple which is in another room indicates that______.A.chimps may have more than one way to fetch foodB.chimps can associate one sign with another in a meaningful wayC.chimps can learn the signs of ASL, the American Sign Language used by the deafD.chimps have their particular ways for finding what they want

单项选择题 谷氨酸有 3 个可解离基团,其 pK1=2.19,pK2=9.67,pKR=4.25,它的等电点是( )。 A. 3.22 B. 5.93 C. 6.43 D. 6.96