



未知题型 广州甲公司于6月5日以传真方式向佛山乙公司求购一台机床,要求”立即回复”。乙公司当日回复”收到传真”。6月10日,甲公司电话催问,乙公司表示同意按甲公司报价出售,要其于6月15日来人签订合同书。6月15日,甲公司前往签约,乙公司要求加价,未获同意,乙公司遂拒绝签约。甲乙之间:

未知题型 When you have finished with the book, don't forget to return to Tim, ______?A.won't youB.don't youC.will youD.do you

未知题型 从性质上看,债权属于

未知题型 甲百货商店与乙电视机厂订立买卖合同,约定购买某型号电视机器300台。双方之间的债属于

单项选择题 乳牙期前牙反 牙合 的矫正年龄一般为  A 1-2岁 B 2-3岁 C 3-6岁 D 6岁以上

未知题型 The following are all cited as advantages of e-book EXCEPT______.A.imaginative designB.environmental friendlinessC.convenience for readersD.multimodal content

判断题 改善旅游接待地原住民的生活质量是旅游业可持续发展的目标之一。 正确 错误

未知题型 Which of the following interpretations of the biologists' theory about melatonin is INCORRECT?A.The production of melatonin in our bodies varies at different times.B.Melatonin is more likely to cause sleepiness in our bodies.C.The reduction of melatonin will cause wakefulness in our bodies.D.The amount of melatonin remains constant in our bodies.

单项选择题 紧急呼叫(SOS)需要进行附着以后才能发起的网络服务( )

未知题型 Which of the following can best sum up the author's overall reaction to her adult son's positive response to spring cleaning?A.Surprised and skeptical.B.Elated and hesitant.C.Relieved and optimistiC.D.Optimistic and hesitant.