



未知题型 某甲在饭店吃饭后,想趁人不注意溜走,结果被服务员发现。甲声称自己没有钱,饭店如果不放自己走就告饭店非法扣留;饭店则坚持甲付清饭钱,否则休想离开。双方争执不下。下列说法正确的是

未知题型 某电子商务公司要从A地向B地的用户发送一批价值90000元的货物。从A地到B地有水、陆两条路线。走陆路时比较安全,其运输成本为10000元:走水路时一般情况下的运输成本只要7000元,不过一旦遇到暴风雨天气,则会造成相当于这批货物总价值10%的损失。根据历年情况,这期间出现暴风雨天气的概率为1/4,那么该电子商务公司(70)。D.可以随机选择路线

多项选择题 有关对城市桥梁工程模板支架搭设及拆除的安全措施的说法中,正确的是( )。

单项选择题 A、 B、 C、 D、

未知题型 The climate of Earth is changing. Climatologists are confident that over the past century, the global average surface temperature has increased by about half a degree Celsius. This warming is thought to be at least partly the result of human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests for agriculturE.As the global population grows and national economies expand, the global average temperature is expected to continue increasing by an additional 1.0℃ to 3.5℃ by the year 2100.Climate change is one of the most important environmental issues facing humankinD.Understanding the potential impacts of climate change for natural ecosystems is essential if we are going to manage our environment to minimize the negative consequences of climate change and maximize the opportunities that it may offer. Because natural ecosystems are complex, nonlinear systems, it follows that their responses to climate change are likely to be complex. Climate change may affect natural ecosystems in a variety of ways. In the short term, climate change can alter the mix of plant species in land ecosystems such as grasslands. In the long term, climate change has the potential to dramatically alter the geographic distribution of major vegetation types—savannas, forests, and climate change can also potentially alter global ecosystem processes, including the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. Moreover, changes in these ecosystem processes can affect and be affected by changes in the plant species of the ecosystem and vegetation typE.All of the climate change—induced alterations of natural ecosystems affect the services that these ecosystems provide to humans.The global average surface temperature increase of half a degreE.Celsius observed over the past century has been in part due to differential changes in daily maximum and minimum temperatures, resulting in a narrowing of the diurnal temperature rangE.Decreases in the diurnal temperature range were first identified in the United States, where large-area trends showed that maximum temperatures have remained constant or increased only slightly, whereas minimum temperatures have increased at a faster ratE.In this issue, Alward et al report on the different sensitivities of rangeland plants to minimum temperatures increases.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the global warming?A.The burning of fuels such as coal or oil.B.The clearing of forests.C.The cultivation of farmlanD.D.The negative consequences of human activities.