
判断题 12.互联网上每个网络端口都有唯一的IP地址

未知题型 听力原文: Purse snatching is an increasingly common crimE.There are estimated 50 to 100 purse snatchings each month in the New York City subways. One of the favored techniques is to stand between two subway cars and, as the train starts pulling out of the station, reach out and pull free a woman's pursE.Recently, a crime analysis officer for the New York Police Department found that purse stealing in Manhattan's top restaurants was up 5 percent over the previous year. Where a woman puts her purse on a vacant chair at a table or at her feet beside her chair, she is inviting a purse snatcher to take it. Purse snatchers often work in pairs. When a target in a restaurant is sighted, one of them will create some kind of disturbance to gain the victim's attention. While the woman is looking away from her table, the actual snatcher will lift the pursE.A popular technique is for the thief, man or woman, to carry an umbrella with the curved handle down. The umbrella handle suddenly hooks the bag and in an instant it is on the thief's wrist or under the coat over his arm if he is a man, and on its way out of the restaurant. Police advise that women in restaurants keep their purses either on their laps or on the floor between their legs.Other purse snatchers who operate in theaters are called 'seat tippers', vietimizing women who put their purses down on an adjacent empty seat. Yet others specialize in snatching purses from ladies' rooms. When a woman is in a toilet stall, her purse should never be placed on the floor or hung on the coat hook on the door.(33)A.Officials from the New York Police Department.B.Officials from the New York federal government.C.Officials from the New York local government.D.Americans working in subway and restaurants.

未知题型 受要约人超过承诺期限发出承诺的,下列说法正确的是()

未知题型 双务合同都是()。

未知题型 当烹调的食物中含有盐时,微波炉杀死常见食物中经常发现的有害细菌的功效就会消失。当在微波炉中加热时,不含食盐的食物内部达到了很高的足以把引起食物中毒的细菌杀死的温度,但是含有食盐的食物内部就达不到这样高的温度。于是科学家们就得出这样的结论,食盐可以有效地阻止微波加热食物的内部。 下面哪一个结论最能被上面的论述支持?D.如果不向将要在微波炉内加热的食物中加盐,食物中毒的危险性就会降低。

未知题型 公司曾经授权乙负责购买某几种原材料,后甲公司撤销了对乙的授权,但未收回乙手中的数份盖有甲公司公章及合同专用章的空白合同书。一年后,乙凭这几份空白合同书以甲公司名义与丙、丁、戊公司分别签订了原材料购销合同,丙、丁、戊公司并不知道乙没有甲公司的授权。这三份合同属于:()

单项选择题 动物细胞主流的培养模式是(   )。 A、 批次培养    B、 流加培养    C、  连续培养   D、  灌流培养

未知题型 小红装病逃学一天,大明答应为她保密。事后,知道事情底细的老师对大明说,我和你一样,都认为违背承诺是一件不好的事;但是,人和人交往,事实上默认一个承诺,这就是说真话,任何谎言都违背这一承诺。因此,如果小红确实装病逃学,那么,你即使已经承诺为她保密,也应该对我说实话。 要使老师的话成立,以下哪项是必须假设的?D.违背默认的承诺有时要比违背表达的承诺更不好。

单项选择题 修船前编制修理单的依据是______。 Ⅰ、公司的修船计划    Ⅱ、船舶技术状况   Ⅲ、修船厂的技术水平 A、Ⅰ+Ⅱ B、Ⅰ+Ⅲ C、Ⅱ+Ⅲ D、Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

未知题型 以下行为中,属于合同法规范的合同有:()