
未知题型 对一角度观测四回,各测回观测值与该角度的真值之差分别为-9'、+8'、+7'、-6',则角度测量的中误差为( )。D.±8.8'

单项选择题 据《灵枢•本神》,“心有所忆谓之( )” A. 意 B. 心 C. 志 D. 思 E. 虑

未知题型 During the conversation, the man seems to be more interested in______.A.the size of the showB.the cost of the standC.the basic furnitureD.the visitor number

未知题型 Sue Green seems to be more interested in John's experience of______.A.working in a paper factoryB.working in a youth clubC.looking after his brother and sisterD.looking after his young friends

未知题型 哪些是合同成立的必不可少的条款

未知题型 The advertisements will be placed in all of the following EXCEPT______.A.family magazinesB.Sunday newspaperC.morning televisionD.teenage magazine

未知题型 甲公司通过媒体发布广告称:将于2013年10月1日至10日的十天内优惠酬宾,其中四通牌某型号电脑4000元一台,保证货源充足,款到一周内发货。当顾客张某于10月6日将4000元汇往甲公司指定的账户欲购买四通牌某型号的电脑时,被告知货已售罄。张某遂状告甲公司违约。

未知题型 Where does At &.T face difficulties in particular?A.NationwidE.B.Overseas.C.In large cities.D.In remote towns.

单项选择题 将路径快速转换为选区的快捷键是 A、Shift+Enter B、Ctrl+Enter C、Alt D、Alt+Ctrl

未知题型 NASA's Constellation Programme would be cancelled mainly because______A.there were more important space missionsB.the space agency lacked funding for the programmeC.the current shuttle missions would continueD.Congress failed to pass President Obama's budget