单项选择题 Consider an object on a rotating disk a distance r from its center, held in place on the disk by static friction. Which of the following statements is not true concerning this object? A、If the angular speed is constant, the object must have constant tangential speed. B、If the angular speed is constant, the object is not accelerated. C、The object has a tangential acceleration only if the disk has an angular acceleration. D、 If the disk has an angular acceleration, the object has both a centripetal acceleration and a tangential acceleration.
单项选择题 如果某餐馆想知道价格调低15%是会促进餐馆的销售收入和利润,可以通过比较不同餐馆的价格及其销量数据来证明。 A、正确 B、错误
单项选择题 ( )是将物流与供应链的其他环节进行集成,如物流渠道与商流渠道集成、物流功能集成、物流环节与制造环节集成、物流渠道之间的集成。A.配送目标系统化B.配送作业规范化C.配送服务系列化D.配送功能集成化
多项选择题 电子商务数据分析的作用包括() A、改善营销决策 B、辅助企业运营决策 C、降低企业运营成本 D、优化企业市场竞争力
单项选择题 53. 苹果炭疽病在病部产生的轮状排列的小黑点是病原物的()