
单项选择题 在word中,如果更改艺术字的形状应选择 A、“绘图工具格式”选项卡中“文本填充” B、“绘图工具格式”选项卡中“文本轮廓” C、“绘图工具格式”选项卡中“文本效果” D、“绘图工具格式”选项卡中“文字方向”

单项选择题 以下不属于GPRS网络结构中的分组控制单元PCU的主要功能的是()

单项选择题 社区护理目标的制定应做到SMART,即特定的、可测量的、可达到的、相关的、有时间期限的。( )

单项选择题 已知i、j、k为int型变量,若从键盘输入:1,2,3,使i的值为1、j 的值为2、k的值为3,以下选项中正确的输入语句是( )。 A. scanf("%2d%2d%2d",&i,&j,&k); B. scanf("%d %d %d",&i,&j,&k); C. scanf("%d,%d,%d",&i,&j,&k); D. scanf("i=%d,j=%d,k=%d",&i,&j,&k);

单项选择题 在Word中,如果删除文档中一部分选定的文字的格式设置,可按组合键_____。 A. Ctrl+Shift B. Ctrl+F6 C. Ctrl+Shift+Z D. Ctrl+Alt+Del

单项选择题 People have same understandings about language learning.( )A.对B.错

单项选择题 Which of the following statements is(or are) right? ( ) A. Historic bays are defined in the UNLOS. B. Historic bays are defined in the Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone. C. There exists certain definition of historic bays set by rules of international law. D. If the title to a historic bay be established, a coastal State may draw a closing line which forms the baseline across the mouth of the bay and the area inside the closing line constitutes the internal waters of that State.

问答题 Jack's job in the post office is to c             mail according to places it is to go.

问答题 一个8位A/D转换器的分辨率是(____) ,若基准电压为5V,该A/D转换器能分辨的最小的电压变化为(____) 。

单项选择题 ‏      一元函数微分学的三个中值定理的结论都有一个共同点,即‍