
未知题型 Jeffrey Sachs is a macroeconomist by training, an expert in the vagaries of business cycles and international financE.But give the man l0 minutes onstage, and a scholarly symposium starts to feel like a revival meeting. 'Let me take you to Malawi,' he urges a typical audience, leaning into the microphone and lowering his voicE.Like most countries in southern Africa, Malawi has Seen ravaged by AIDS for two decades. One adult in seven is HIV-positive, and some 2 million children have been orphaneD.But instead of hurling numbers at his listeners, Sachs transports them to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, a site he visited this year while traveling with the rock star Bono.At one end of the facility is a small outpatient clinic where people who can pay $1 a day receive life-sustaining AIDS drugs. 'They take the medicine and they get better,' Sachs declares. 'They return to work. They go back to care for their children.' Unfortunately, $1 a day is nearly twice what a typical Malawian lives on. So most AIDS patients end up in wards like the one just down the hall from the outpatient cliniC.'ladies and gentlemen', Sachs tells the now hushed hall, 'this plague is exploding. Its consequences will make the world quakE.Rich countries could stop the devastation. And most are still looking away.'Sachs is not the first to sound this alarm, but he speaks with special authority. As the newly appointed director of Columbia University's Earth Institute, he heads a huge, interdisciplinary effort to help poor countries build sustainable economies. Instead of treating climate change, epidemic disease and social upheaval as distinct phenomena, the institute's 800 scientists study the links among such problems—and work to translate their insights into action. Sachs also chairs blue-ribbon panels for the World Health Organization, advises U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on development issues and circles the globe pleading with policymakers to support the Global Fund to Fight AIDS. In the coming year he'll help seed new treatment-and-prevention programs throughout Asia and AfricA.From Sachs's perspective, controlling AIDS is not only a moral imperative but also a practical necessity. As he is forever trying to convince political leaders, disease can perpetuate poverty, ruin economies and undermine civic order. As a Sachs-led WHO commission concluded last year, 'The burden of disease in some low-income regions...stands as a barrier to economic growth and must be addressed frontally and centrally in any comprehensive development strategy.' As a group, the world's richest countries now spend just $6 billion a year in health-related development assistancE.The Sachs commission concluded that by raising the commitment to $27 billion by 2007 and $38 billion by 2015, we would save 8 million lives every year while improving a third of the world's prospects for prosperity.Jeffrey Sachs is now devoted toA.the training of macroeconomists.B.international financE.C.symposiums and conferences.D.the fund raising work for poor countries.

未知题型 甲男于2000年10月经人介绍与乙女相识。相识不久,甲男考虑到年龄问题,婚事不宜拖得太久,便向女方提出结婚;乙女得知甲男有20万元存款便满口答应。两人于2001年3月办理了结婚登记手续。此后,乙女多次向甲男索要衣物、首饰等,甲男都予以满足。两人商定于5月1日举行婚礼。4月份,乙女又多次索要财物,为了顺利举行婚礼,甲男又给了女方1万元钱。婚礼那天,甲男在饭店订了酒席,并租车接女方,结果乙女又提出如不再给1万元,就不上车,双方闹得不欢而散,婚礼也未举行。如甲男申请婚姻登记机关撤销结婚登记,婚姻登记机关应

单项选择题 化学抛光的优点不包括(    )。

未知题型 ()不是婚姻终止的原因。

未知题型 听力原文:What does the woman want to do?(16)A.She wants to rent a car.B.She wants to repair her car.C.She wants to sell her car.D.She wants to exchange the old car for a new onE.

未知题型 ()不是婚姻成立的特征。

多项选择题 下列函数中为周期函数的是

未知题型 自然血亲的发生只能因为()。

单项选择题 在流水施工方式中,以下是成倍节拍流水施工的特点之一是 (   ) A、相邻专业工作队之间的流水步距相等,且等于流水节拍的最大公约数 B、相邻专业工作队之间的流水步距相等,且等于流水节拍的最小公倍数 C、相邻专业工作队之间的流水步距不尽相等,但流水步距之间为倍数关系 D、相邻专业工作队之间的流水步距不尽相等,但流水步距是流水节拍的倍数

未知题型 离婚自由的含义不包括()。