
未知题型 下面哪个国家属于强语境文化国家()。

未知题型 听力原文: Joe is a student at a college in an open areA.During his first two semesters, he did very well and at the beginning of third semester he was admitted to a special medical program. If he completed the program successfully, he would be granted admission to a good medical school. He would be able to study to become a doctor. Joe's mother and father both have full-time jobs and Joe works part-time at a restaurant to help the family finances.Several weeks ago, Joe's mother began feeling sharp chest pains. When she went to a doctor, he told her that she would need a heart surgery and would have to give up her joB.This would enlarge medical expenses and lose almost half the family incomE.Joe's father wants him to drop out of school and go to work full-time to help the family. Joe loves his family very much. But, if he drops out now, he would lose entire semester's credit and may even lose his place in the premedical program.He doesn't know what to do. He speaks to his girlfriend Maria who urges him to remain in school since to withdraw now would place his entire future in danger. He also speaks to his cousin Carol, who tells him that his first duty is to help his family get through the difficult times.(33)A.In the first semester.B.In the second semester.C.In the third semester.D.In the fourth semester.

未知题型 在跨文化交际中,由于()使人们对于某个人或群体的属性已有一套信念,因而常常使交际出现障碍。

单项选择题 长期以来,人类创造了前所未有的经济增长成就,但一些国家发展遇到了这样那样的问题,这些问题不包括( ) A、经济结构失衡 B、人口膨胀 C、能源资源紧张 D、.生态环境恶化

未知题型 英语国家的人伸出食指并略微朝上来回摇动,表示()。

判断题 对于面积较小的园林绿地,游览内容较少,必须分出主路、次路及游息小路三种层次。

未知题型 在日常交际中,人们惯常的交际行为是()的。

未知题型 以下哪个因素会妨碍跨文化交流顺利进行()。勇于创新思想开放刻板印象较少以自我为中心

单项选择题 把两个轴连接起来,并且传递运动和动力的是________和离合器

单项选择题 一切跨文化交际冲突都是行为习惯的冲突。