多项选择题 关于心功能不全的防治中,正确的是( ) A. 可用β肾上腺素受体阻滞剂防止交感神经对衰竭心肌的恶性刺激 B. 限制钠盐的摄入 C. 适当使用利尿剂 D. 改善心肌的收缩性能 E. 吸氧
单项选择题 Why did Jeff Bezons choose Amazon to be the name of his store? A. He wished his store would be the biggest store in the world just like the Amazon river is the longest river in the world. B. He liked the pronounciation of the word Amazon. C. He chose the word Amazon accidentally.
单项选择题 隐框或半隐框玻璃幕墙的玻璃面板与其周边铝合金框架之间应采用下列哪种材料进行粘结?
单项选择题 While in the process of posting from the journal to the ledger a company failed to post a $500 debit to the Office Supplies account. The effect of this error will be that: A、The Office Supplies account balance will be overstated. B、The trial balance will not balance. C、The error will overstate the debits listed in the journal. D、The total debits in the trial balance will be larger than the total credits. E、The error will overstate the credits listed in the journal.
多项选择题 翼型对流场产生小扰动的条件有( ) A、相对厚度比较小 B、相对弯度比较小 C、弦长比较小 D、来流迎角比较小
单项选择题 长期进行灵巧性运动训练,维生素A的补充应不低于( )。 A. 1400ugRC B. 1600ugRC C. 1800ugRC D. 2000ugRC
单项选择题 轿车轮胎磨损后花纹深度应大于()mm。 A. 0.8 B. 1.6 C. 3.2 D. 4
单项选择题 工资系统可不提供()的输入。 A. 工资单 B. 工资汇总 C. 工资分配表 D. 职工考勤表
单项选择题 开放性损伤中,最易受损伤的腹内脏器是 A.肝B.脾C.胃D.肾E.小肠
判断题 我国是关贸总协定的创始国之一。