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单项选择题 A、 不变, 不变。 B、 不变, 改变。 C、 改变, 不变。 D、 改变, 也改变。

未知题型 2001年6月13日凌晨2时许,张某因犯罪被公安机关监控,感到罪行即将暴露,便将此情况告诉了王某(系张某之妻)。随后,王某将藏于家中的作案工具五连发猎枪 1支及张某存放家中的五六式步枪子弹258发、赃款1万元等装入自己要出差用的行李箱里。凌晨5时许,王某带着两个大行李箱潜逃时,途中被公安人员在火车上抓获。王某的行为应该认定为:D.数罪并罚

未知题型 下列协议中不能适用合同法的是()

问答题 多工资类别的账套中,要为“合同工”这一类别增加工资项目“交通补贴”并设置公式,简述操作方法。

未知题型 Geologists (at) the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (rely on) (a number of) instruments to (studying) the volcanoes in Hawaii.A.atB.rely onC.a number ofD.studying

未知题型 (As) secretary of transportation, he worked to help the (bankrupt railroads) in the northeastern (United States) (solved) their financial problems.A.AsB.bankrupt railroadsC.United StatesD.solved

单项选择题 挤压刺激的方向一般是 A. 由近端到远端 B. 由远端到近端 C. 由整体到个别 D. 由粗大的到有选择的 E. 由不协调到协调

未知题型 一方以欺诈、胁迫手段订立的合同属于()

单项选择题 One thing you can do to show someone you are actively listening to them is lean slightly forward and nod a little while they’re talking. ( ) A. 对 B. 错

未知题型 A long and painful struggle with cancer and chemotherapy had caused baldness for Barbara Basset, of Mocrstown, NJ. The day her blond hair feel out in clumps was, for Barbara, the worst day of her ordeal. Detemined to use some form. of camouflage, she tried a wig but found it itchy and hot. Scarves slopped off or clung too tightly, accentuating the problem. Finally, a friend suggested Barbara call her neighbor, Marie Stevens, an accomplished seamstress who worked at homE.Barbara explained to Marie that she needed something between a scarf and a hat, with a shape that suggested hair beneath. It had to fasten securely, and had no opening that would reveal baldness. Sensing a kindred spirit, Marie agreed to work something up. She was no stranger to medical tragedy herself, having lost two of her seven children to cystic fibrosis.The design itself was simple, a combination scarf/hat of light cotton and polyester that fit well, disguising the lack of hair. 'Smart' was the description Barbara's friends came up with. For Barbara elegance was secondary to the scarf's greatest asset.'That silly little hat saved me,' she told friends.Shortly after, Marie and Barbara formed a partnership selling the scarves, which they called Hide & ChiC.They developed a line of colors, plus small elasticized versions for children. They had a brochure printed, and set it to oncology units and social-service directors in hospitals.Soon after the company, Mare-bar, InC.was on its feet, Barbara learned that her cancer had recurred . Despite more chemotherapy, she died, at age 40.'She made me promise that I'd keep things going,' Made says, 'When she died, I was pretty low. But I kept getting mail from cancer patients who described how our scarf/hat had made Such a big differencE.I got going again. It's a nice legacy for Barbara, who was a very special lady.'This passage is mainly about ______.A.how Barbara became a fashion designerB.how Marie helped Barbara recover from her illnessC.how Mare-bar InC.came into beingD.how Barbara helped Marie to design the scarf/hat