
未知题型 甲公司于9月1日通过邮局向乙公司发去一要约,并请对方在9月28日前作出答复。该要约于9月7日到达乙公司所在地邮局,邮局于9月8日送至乙公司收发室,乙公司业务人员于9月10日看到该要约。要约的生效时间是()

未知题型 By saying that 'soccer is an attractive target for gamblers'(Line 1, ParA.2), the author means that gamblers ______.A.are interested in playing soccerB.enjoy watching soccer gamesC.think match results hard to predictD.find match results easy to manipulate

未知题型 听力原文: University teaching in the United Kingdom is very different at both undergraduate and graduate levels from that of many overseas countries.An undergraduate course consists of a series of lectures, seminars and tutorials, and in science and engineering, laboratory classes, which in total account for about 15 hours per week. Arts students may well find that their official contact with teachers is less than this average, while science and engineering students may expect to be timetabled for up to 20 hours per week. Students studying for a particular degree will take a series of lecture courses which run in parallel at a fixed time in each week and may last one academic term or the whole year. Associated with each lecture course are seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes which draw upon, analyze, illustrate or amplify the topics presented in the lectures. Lecture classes can vary in size from 20 to 200 although larger sized lectures tend to de crease as students progress into the second and third year and more options become availablE.Seminars and tutorials are on the whole much smaller than lecture clasps and in some departments can be on a one-to-one basis. Students are normally expected to prepare work in advance, for seminars and tutorials and this can take the form. of re searching a topic for discussion, by writing essays or by solving problems. Lectures, seminars and tutorials are all one hour in length, while laboratory classes usually last 2 or 3 hours. Much emphasis is put on how to spend as much time if not more studying by themselves as being taught. In the UK it is still common for people to say that they are 'reading' for a degree!(33)A.Science courses are more motivating than arts courses.B.Science courses are more interesting than arts courses.C.Arts courses have more classes than science courses.D.Science courses are more demanding than arts courses.

未知题型 甲公司于6月5日以传真方式向乙公司求购一台机床,要求”立即回复”。乙公司当日回复”收到传真”。6月10日,甲公司电话催问,乙公司表示同意按甲公司报价出售,要其于6月15日来人签订合同书。6月15日,甲公司前往签约,乙公司要求加价,未获同意,乙公司遂拒绝签约。对此,下列些说法是正确的?()

未知题型 甲公司与乙公司约定以合同书形式签订合同,双方达成一致后,甲公司法定代表人在合同文本上签字,因甲公司公章丢失,未能在合同文本上盖章,甲公司将已签字的合同文本寄给乙公司后,乙公司委托代理人在合同文本上盖了乙公司的合同专用章,但匆忙之中忘记签字了。以下说法中,正确的有:()

多项选择题 根据企业所得税法律制度的规定,下列关于收入确认的表述中,正确的有( )。 A. 销售商品采用预收款方式的,在收到预收款时确认收入 B. 销售商品采用托收承付方式的,在办妥托收手续时确认收入 C. 销售商品采用支付手续费方式委托代销的,在收到代销清单时确认收入 D. 销售商品需要安装和检验的,在收到款项时确认收入

未知题型 甲乙间相互作出以下行为:(1)甲给乙去函,指出本厂生产的电扇为国家名牌,现有存货,可以出让;(2)乙回函询问价格,并表示愿买1000台;(3)甲回复,价格为300元,仅有500台。上列行为中()。

未知题型 数学运算在这部分试题中,每道试题呈现一道算术式或是表述数字关系的一段文字,要求你迅速、准确地计算出答案。一件商品如果以八折出售,可以获得相当于进价20%的毛利,那么如果以原价出售,可以获得相当于进价百分之几的毛利?( )。D.50%

未知题型 甲乙是好朋友,某日,甲邀请乙于周日中午到家中吃饭,乙欣然同意。甲遂精心准备一桌饭菜,耗资800元,另备好酒一瓶,价值1600元。但周日中午乙临时有事,没有前往。该饭菜只能由甲自己吃,酒没有喝,则:()

未知题型 根据下列图表回答问题。下面几张图分别是中国网民的性别、年龄及学历构成。如果中国网民的总人数为2 250万,那么41岁以上的网民约有多少万人?( )。A.100B.200C.300D.400