

解析:第四段首句The real reason may be less sinister—though tr...

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未知题型 Toward Scoble's leaving and his blog, the writer's attitude can be said to be ______.A.objectivE.B.supportivE.C.biaseD.D.apprehensivE.

未知题型 Which word can take place of 'surreal' (Line 1, ParA.3; Line 5, ParA.4) in the passage?D.MiserablE.

未知题型 依照我国《担保法》,在质押生效后,质物灭失的风险损失由谁承担?()。

单项选择题 图示电路,利用电源等效变换,计算AB间短路时的电流I=? A  A、 B、 C、 D、

未知题型 What is the author's attitude towards The Grand Prairie Area Demonstration Project?A.Be optimistic to support this project.B.Became an opponent to those gaining unfair wealth from this project.C.Be objective to treat this problem.D.Be indifferent to this issuE.

单项选择题 利用Navicate的生成的备份文件,可以利用mysqldump命令进行恢复。

未知题型 What's the evidence that Jackson thought Kobe is better than Michael?A.Kobe is doing less post-up, less penetration, less at-the-basket kind of stufF.B.Kobe is shooting more than Michael was.C.Kobe's shooting way is raising up over people and knocking the ball down.D.Kobe can shoot in more range than Michael.

单项选择题 mysqldump是采用SQL级别的备份机制,它将数据表导成SQL脚本文件。

单项选择题 冷备份的优点是在大多数情况下数据库可在工作时恢复。

单项选择题 热备份是在数据库运行的情况下,备份数据库的方法。所以,如果你有昨天夜里的一个冷备份而且又有今天的热备份文件,在发生问题时,就可以利用这些资料恢复更多的信息。