
Mother: Tell us of the accommodations in steerage, Mr. Dawson. I hear they're quite good on this ship.
Jack: The best I've seen, ma'am. Hardly any rats.
Fiancé: Mr. Dawson is joining us from the third ____1______. He was of some assistance to my fiancée last night. 
Rose: It turns out that Mr. Dawson is quite a fine ____2______. He was kind enough to show me some of his work today.
Fiancé: Rose and I differ somewhat in our ____3______ of fine art. Not to impugn your work, sir.
Jack: Are these all for me?
Molly: Just start from the outside and work your way in.
Man: guy: He knows every rivet in her, don't you, Thomas?
Rose: Your ship is a wonder, Mr. Andrews. Truly.
Andrew: Thank you, Rose.
Waiter: How do you take your caviar, sir?
Jack: No caviar for me, thanks. Never did like it much. Mother: And where exactly do you live, Mr. Dawson?
Jack: Right now, my address is the RMS Titanic. After that, I'm on God's good humor.
Mother: And how is it you have means to travel? Jack: I work my way from place to place. You know, tramp steamers and such. But I won      my ticket on Titanic here at a lucky hand at _4_________. A very lucky hand. Man: All life is a game of luck.
Fiancé: A real man makes his own luck, Archie. Right, Dawson?
Mother: And you find that sort of rootless ___5_____ appealing, do you?
Jack: Yes, ma'am, I do. I mean, I've got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs and a few blank sheets of paper. I love ___6_______ up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night I was sleeping under a ____7______ , and now here I am on the grandest ship in the world, having champagne with you fine people. (to the waiter)I'll take some more of that. I figure life is a _____8_____ and I don't intend on ____9______ it. You never know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. Here you go, Cal. To make each day _______10___.
Molly: Well said, Jack.
Rose: To make it count.


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单项选择题 德国教育家凯兴施泰纳认为实施公民教育的机构应该是 A、国民学校 B、现代学校 C、职业学校 D、劳作学校

未知题型 Productivity is the yardstick by which socioeconomic revolutions are measureD.Plows initiated the agrarian revolution by greatly improving the productivity of farmers. Engines, and (1)_____ electricity, (2)_____ the industrial revolutions by (3)_____ improving the productivity of workers in manufacturing and transportation. If there is to be a true in formation revolution, then computers will have to (4)_____ the pattern with information and information work.Information technology has (5)_____ begun to improve productivity, and it has even hurt it in some cases; it takes longer to wade (6)_____ those endless automated phone answering menus (7)_____ it does to talk to a human operator. (8)_____, productivity will rise (9)_____ computers and communications are used in the Information Marketplace to relieve people of brain work (10)_____ industrial machinery relieved us of physical work.The Information Marketplace will give (11)_____ to two great new forces that will drive (12)_____ in the twenty-first century. (13)_____, most people and companies buy new computers because the hardware has faster processors or more storage capacity, or because it is fashionable to own a new model, (14)_____ because competitors have bought them and 'we can't afford to fall behinD.' Imagine the (15)_____ of a company buying a new device be cause the motor turns at a higher (16)_____, or because it's in vogue to do so, or because the competition just bought that model (17)_____ of whether the machine can move any more earth in an hour!Let's explore how the Information marketplace might help us in the (18)_____ quest to get more results for less (19)_____. To do this, we will first examine a series of 'faults'—ways in which computer technology is (20)_____ today, because of either technological or human weaknesses. Correcting these faults will be the first step toward increasing our productivity. Making the Information Marketplace easier to use will be the second step.A.sinceB.thenC.beforeD.later

单项选择题 成人动脉采血时选取的动脉常有:( ) A. 颈动脉 B. 肱动脉 C. 股动脉 D. 足背动脉 E. 尺动脉

未知题型 The expression 'the LDP mandarins'(Paragraph 4) most probably means ______.A.cabinets who are held liable for their policies.B.those who work in LDP's party committees.C.candidates for two higher LDP bodies.D.those who are strong in favor of reforms.

未知题型 The word 'weaklings'(Paragraph 2) most probably means ______.A.irrational creditors.B.competitive rivals.C.efficient negotiators.D.indebted firms.

单项选择题 5. You should obtain any background documents to be discussed before the meeting. A、正确 B、错误

单项选择题 现行企业所得税制规定,为鼓励企业聘用残疾人就业,可以给企业一定的优惠政策,这项政策采用了减计收入的形式。A.对B.错

未知题型 下列关于会计政策.会计估计及其变更的表述中,正确的有( )。A.会计政策是企业在会计确认.计量和报告中所采用的原则.基础和会计处理方法B.会计估计以最近可利用的信息或资料为基础,不会削弱会计确认和计量的可靠性C.企业应当在会计准则允许的范围内选择适合本企业情况的会计政策,但一经确定,不得随意变更D.按照会计政策变更和会计估计变更划分原则难以对某项变更进行区分的,应将该变更作为会计政策变更处理

多项选择题 Web结构中的安全点分析,只考虑从接入网来的攻击,入侵的通道有3个,分别是(    )。 A、服务器系统漏洞 B、APT攻击 C、密码暴力破解 D、Web服务应用漏洞

单项选择题 CO2主要可以通过( ),来增强呼吸活动 A、直接刺激呼吸中枢 B、刺激颈动脉体、主动脉体化学感受器 D、生成H+,刺激中枢化学感受器 C、直接刺激中枢化学感受器