未知题型 Why does the author assert that through travel We only 'truly touch one another'?A.Because he believes tourism makes it possible for people to help one another.B.Because he thinks that sincere learning of a culture is only possible by travel.C.Because he believes travel is the only way which can mix up different cultures.D.Because he wants to emphasize tourism's powerful effect on combating social problems.
单项选择题 由中国国家超算无锡中心研制的“神威·太湖之光”,其峰值计算速度为每秒( )次。
单项选择题 血液中运输胆红素的蛋白质是
单项选择题 图中有单层立方上皮,观察它们的位置,以下判断哪一项是正确的?<img src="https://static.zxtiku.com/wangke/imgs/topic/86014b8f7ea6a64b40fdfc0106eefadb.jpg"/
未知题型 在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a() a=Array(1,3,5,7) s=0 For i=1 To 3 s=s*10+a(i) Next i Print s End Sub 程序运行后,输出结果为( )。D.753