
问答题 电感器L标注为5R6,则其电感量为        μH

单项选择题 以下不属于危险品的是( )。 A. 氧化剂 B. 爆炸品 C. 放射性物品 D. 受热易变形物品

单项选择题 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 12)

多项选择题 有助于预防动脉粥样硬化的维生素包括(    )    A.维生素E  B.维生素C  C.维生素B6  D.维生素B12  E.叶酸

单项选择题 ( )包含工具与材料有各色瓦楞纸、美工刀、剪刀、直尺、垫板、乳胶、铅笔等。 A. 喷刷画 B. 工艺美术 C. 瓦楞纸立体造型 D. 纸浆画

问答题 Morphemes can be categorized into (1) (1 word) morphemes and bound morphemes. There are two types of bound morphemes, i.e. (2) (1 word) morphemes and (3) (1 word) morphemes. Inflectional morphemes are used to indicate the (4) (1 word) aspects of a word.

单项选择题 计算有抛物线与直线所围成图形的面积时,既可以选作为积分变量,也可以选作为积分变量。 A、正确 B、错误

问答题 GX实验的主要内容有:以“32字诀”教学原则指导教材编写,兼顾教学内容的“____”与“循环上升”,正确处理教学内容的重难点。

单项选择题 axios发生post请求的方法是什么 A. axios.put() B. axios.delete() C. axios.post() D. axios.get()

单项选择题 ‎消火栓管道穿越地下室外墙,应该用( )套管。‎ A、过楼板 B、刚性防水 C、柔性防水 D、穿墙