
多项选择题 实验结果是( )。 A. 实验中的观察过程 B. 实验中的各种被观察到的现象 C. 实验现象的动态变化过程 D. 实验所得到各种数据资料 E. 实验数据的推导、计算过程或公式

单项选择题 星巴克主要使用以下哪种知觉营销策略( )。 A、沉浸体验式营销 B、贴心服务式营销 C、广告营销 D、打折促销

未知题型 In a democratic society citizens are encouraged to form. their own opinions on candidates for public office, taxes, constitutional amendments, environmental concerns, foreign policy, and other issues. The opinions held by any population are shaped and manipulated by sever al factors: individual circumstances, the mass media, special interest groups, and opinion leaders.Wealthy people tend to think differently on social issues from poor peoplE.Factory workers probably do not share the same views as white-collar, nonunion workers. Women employed outside their homes sometimes have perspectives different from those of fulltime home makers. In these and other ways individual status shapes one's view of current events.The mass media, especially television, are powerful influences on the way people think and act. Government officials note how mail from the public tends to 'follow the headlines'. Whatever is featured in newspapers and magazines and on television attracts enough attention that people begin to inform. them and to express opinions.The mass media have also created larger audiences for government and a wider range of pubic issues than existed beforE.Prior to television and the national editions of newspapers, issues and candidates tended to remain localizeD.In Great Britain and West Germany, for ex ample, voters as local contests usually viewed elections to the national legislatures. Today's elections are seen as struggles between party leaders and programs. In the United States radio and television have been beneficial to the presidency. Since the days of Franklin D.Roosevelt and his 'fireside chats', presidents have appealed directly to a national audience over the heads of Congress to advocate their pro grams.Special groups spend vast sums annually trying to influence public opinion. Public utilities, for instance, tried to sway public opinion in favor of nuclear power plants. Opposed to them were citizens' organizations that lobbied to halt the use of nuclear power. During the 1960s the American Medical Association conducted an unsuccessful advertising campaign designed to present the passage of medicatE.Opinion leaders are usually such prominent public figures as politicians, show business personalities, and celebrity athletes.The opinions of these individuals, whether informed and intelligent or not carry weight with some segments of the population. Some individuals, such as Nobel prizewinners, are suddenly thrust into public view by the mediA.By quickly reaching a large audience, their views gain a hearing and are perhaps influential in shaping views on complex issues.The second paragraph is mainly about ______.A.the influence of gender on people's viewB.the influence of people's status on their viewC.the influence of living standard on people's viewD.the influence of different ranks on people's view

未知题型 The expression 'follow the headlines' shows ______.A.people seldom have time to read newspaper articlesB.people think the headlines contain the most important informationC.people often get their opinions from newspapers or televisionD.most people look on newspapers or TV as misleading

单项选择题 使用VRay渲染,【更换渲染器为Vray渲染器】,开启【环境天光】后,便可直接渲染出图。 A、正确 B、错误

未知题型 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int sum; for(int i=0;i<6;i+=3){ sum=i; for(int j=i;j<6;j++)sum+=j; } cout<<sum<<end1; return 0; } 运行时的输出结果是( )。D.15

未知题型 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Sample{ public: Sample()<) ~Sample(){cout<<'*';} }; int main(){ Sample temp[2],*pTemp[2]; return 0; } 执行这个程序输出星号(*)的个数为( )。D.4

判断题 切除故障时间是继电保护装置动作时间和断路器动作时间之和。 ( )

未知题型 下面可以正确定义两个整型变量和—个字符串变量的语句是______。A.Dim n,m As Integer,s As StringB.Dim a%,b$,c As StringC.Dim a As Integer,b,c As StringD.Dim x%,y As Integer,z As String

单项选择题 7.1.1.新建合成的快捷键是:() A、Ctrl+N B、Ctrl+K C、Ctrl+Y D、Ctrl+V