
未知题型 What did Stiltner mean about 'I hope I don't have any nasty surprises'?A.He doesn't hope someone he knows is victim.B.He doesn't want to see the victim's namE.C.He doesn't need any surprise morE.D.He was scared by the assailment accident.

未知题型 The day of terror at the Virginia Polytechnic and State University in Blacksburg began at about 7:15 A.m., with the shooting of a woman and a male resident adviser on the fourth floor of a dorm building on campus, Kristen Bensley, a freshman who lived below the floor where the shooting occurred, told TIME, 'There were minors going on about the assailant was fighting with his girlfriend or something of that nature'. Bensley notes that only residents can get into the building, using a specific 'passport', that is, a card that one has to swipe in order to open doors before 10 A.m. If he was an outsider, someone would have had to let him in. Or more likely, he was a resident of the dorm himselF.If so, how did be keep so much ammunition unnoticed?Unlike high schools, most universities can't beef up security with a metal detector or two. So what can be done to protect students? Other questions remain unanswereD.Why was there a two-hour gap between the incident at the dorm and a far more fatal one across campus? At one point, that led to theorizing that more than one gunman was involveD.The gunman who killed at least 30 people at Norris Hall shortly after 9 A.m. was described by some sources as an Asian man.It has been a surreal time for the students. Brandon Stiltner, a senior aerospace engineering student, and Jonathan Hess, a senior mechanical engineer, were watching TV all day but by noon they'd had enough. 'We decided we needed to do something', Stiltner saiD.'We were worthless sitting around'. So they took their six-foot Virginia Tech sign off the wall and logged into Facebook. Within the next few hours 100 people replied to their e-mail request for a vigil.By 8 p.m. hundreds bf students began filing down the steps of the War Memorial Chapel toward the drill fielD.Clusters of two and three students stood together in silencE.Slowly they began to line up to sign the boarD.'I'm still really in disbelief', says Stiltner. The shock of the day's shootings sank in, Hess said, as he carried the sign across campus for the vigil. 'It hit me', Hess said, 'to know that it was in these buildings'. The media crews that swarmed campus were also surreal to Hess and Stiltner. 'We could look out our window and see exactly what's on TV', Stiltner says. He watched his sign crowded with initials and prayers, awaiting the names of the victims, He shuddereD.'I hope I don't have any nasty surprises'.Which of the following is tree according to the first paragraph?A.7:15 A.m. is the time a woman and a mate resident adviser were killed on the fourth floor of a dorm building on campus.B.The cause of shooting is the assailant was fighting with his girlfriend or something of that naturE.C.Open dorm's doors needs swipe a card before 10 A.m.D.The gunman was a resident of the dorm himselF.

单项选择题 下列评价估计量好坏的标准中,不属于常用标准的是A. 无偏性B. 有效性C. 一致性D. 非负性

未知题型 What shouldn't Kobe Bryant do to be the league's ail-time scorer from now on?A.No injury,B.Keeps average 25 points until he is 38.C.Started in the NBA when he was 18.D.Gets more scores than Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

未知题型 Which word is most similar in meaning to 'trippy' in the last paragraph?D.PerplexeD.

未知题型 Cab driver: Here you are, sir. Queens Hotel. Passenger: How much is it? Cab driver: Three dollars and seventy-five cents. Passenger: Here is four dollars. ______.A.Don't give me the restB.It's not necessary to give me the coinsC.Keep the changeD.I give up the pocket money

未知题型 Charles: What time are you leaving? Brown: I'm going to try to leave by 10:00. Charles: Take care and ______. Brown: GoodbyE.Hope to see you again next year.A.give my wish to your parentsB.give my best to your parentsC.say good to your parentsD.say greeting to your parents

单项选择题 A、正确 B、错误

未知题型 窗体上有一个命令按钮,命令按钮的单击事件过程如下。运行程序后,单击命令按钮,输出结果是( )。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a a=Array(1,2,3,4,5) For k=1 To 4 S=S+a(k) Next k Print S End SubD.120

判断题 计算机语言发展阶段有机器语言、汇编语言、高级语言三个阶段。