
多项选择题 What are the methods to help you make a strong prepared speech? ( )A. Understand the audience and occasion.B. Decide on a central point or purpose.C. Use various supporting materials.D. Use clear organization.

未知题型 SQL是关系数据库领域的主流语言,以下关SQL的描述中,错误的是D.SQL语言既是自含式语言,又是嵌入式语言

单项选择题 一对等位基因的杂合体Aa连续自交4次后,后代中杂合体和纯合体分别占(    )。 A. 1/2,1/2 B. 1/2,1/4 C. 1/4,3/4 D. 1/16,15/16

单项选择题 肾衰竭尿毒症时可出现全身多个系统的功能紊乱。( )

未知题型 By mentioning 'double dipping'(Paragraph 4), the author is talking aboutA.awards given to patients by doctors.B.market share secured by insurers.C.malpractice reform. bill to be passeD.D.insurance rates-cut in some states.

单项选择题 (11)如果某台主机的IP地址和子网掩码为192.168.9.113/21,如果需要向该主机所在的网络发送一个广播IP分组,该IP分组的目的IP地址是()。

未知题型 The title of the biography The American Civil War Fighting for the Lady could hardly be more provocativE.Thomas Keneally, an Australian writer, is unapologetiC.In labeling a hero of the American civil war a notorious scoundrel he switches the spotlight from the brave actions of Dan Sickles at the battle of Gettysburg to his earlier pre meditated murder, of the lover of his young and pretty Italian-American wife, TeresA.It is not the murder itself that disgusts Mr. Keneally but Sickles's treatment of his wife afterwards, and how his behavior. mirrored the hypocritical misogyny of 19th-century AmericA.The murder victim, Philip Barton Key, Teresa Sickles's lover, came from a famous old southern family. He was the nephew of the then chief justice of the American Supreme Court and the son of the writer of the country's national anthem. Sickles, a Tammany Hall politician in New York turned Democratic congressman in Washington, shot Key dead in 1859 at a corner of Lafayette Square, within shouting distance of the White HousE.But the murder trial was melodramatic, even by the standards of the day. With the help of eight lawyers, Sickles was found not guilty after using the novel plea of 'temporary insanity'. The country at large was just as forgiving, viewing Key's murder as a gallant crime of passion. Within three years, Sickles was a general on the Unionist side in the American civil War and, as a new friend of Abraham and Mary Lincoln, a frequent sleepover guest at the White HousE.Mrs. Sickles was less fortunatE.She was shunned by friends she had made as the wife of a rising politician. Her husband, a serial adulterer whose many mistresses included Queen Isabella Ⅱ of Spain and the madam of an industrialized New York whorehouse, re fused to be seen in her company. Laura, the Sickles's daughter, was an innocent victim of her father's vindictiveness and eventually died of drink in the Bowery district of New York.Sickles's bold actions at Gettysburg are, in their own way, just as controversial. Argument continues to rage among scholars, as to whether he helped the Union to victory or nearly caused its defeat when he moved his forces out of line to occupy what he thought was better grounD.James Longstreet, the Confederate general who led the attack against the new position, was in no doubt about the brilliance of the movE.Mr. Keneally is better known as a novelist. Here he shows himself just as adept at Biography, and achieves both his main aims. He restores the reputation of Teresa Sickles, 'this beautiful, pleasant and intelligent girl', and breathes full and controversial life into a famous military engagement.Keneally's biography is intended mainly toA.launch a surprise attack on Democratic congressman.B.show sympathy for an abused but reputed lady, TeresA.C.curse bitterly at the hypocrisy of notorious heroes.D.expose the true character of a civil war general.

单项选择题 水田中耕除草株间除草不会对秧苗造成损伤。 A、正确 B、错误

未知题型 Why does the author assert that through travel We only 'truly touch one another'?A.Because he believes tourism makes it possible for people to help one another.B.Because he thinks that sincere learning of a culture is only possible by travel.C.Because he believes travel is the only way which can mix up different cultures.D.Because he wants to emphasize tourism's powerful effect on combating social problems.

单项选择题 由中国国家超算无锡中心研制的“神威·太湖之光”,其峰值计算速度为每秒(   )次。