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单项选择题 生产关系是人们在物质生产过程中形成的不以人的意志为转移的( )

单项选择题 “五育并举”是一个整体协调的、全面系统的——以德立人、以智慧人、以体健人、以美化人、以劳塑人,互相依存、相互促进、“三全育人”的完整、和谐的系统。( )

多项选择题 某项目净现金流量见表5-3。投资主体设定的基准收益率为8%,基准静态投资回收期为3年。由此可以得到的结论有( )。A.项目投资利润率为50%B.项目财务净现值约为74.82万元C.项目静态投资回收期为2.67年D.项目财务内部收益率大于8%E.从静态投资回收期判断,该项目可行

单项选择题 花朵、叶片等植物材料运用粘贴技法,用热胶粘接,常用于创造不同的纹理与质感,使造型画面丰富。 A、正确 B、错误

单项选择题 胸内负压是实现肺通气的重要条件。

未知题型 From the missionary's manuscript. we may infer that ______.A.the great signal drums were very popular thereB.people there were hostile to the European strangersC.the Amazon River area was densely populated thenD.the tribes along the river were always at odds

单项选择题 熊彼特认为:引入一种新产品或者新的特性被成为( )。 A 产品创新 B 工艺创新 C 开发新的资源创新 D 市场创新

未知题型 In the author's view the American dream was ______.A.the American standard of livingB.a sheer imaginationC.something unrealisticD.an illusion people could never attain

未知题型 Although many factors affect human health during periods in space, weightlessness is the dominant and single most important onE.The direct and indirect effects of weightlessness lead to a series of related responses. Ultimately, the whole body, from bones to brain, kidneys to bowels, reacts.When space travelers grasp the wall of their spacecraft and jerk their bodies back and forth, they say it feels as though they are stationary and the spacecraft is moving. The reason is based in our reliance on gravity to perceive our surroundings.The continuous and universal nature of gravity removes it from our daily notice, but our bodies never forget. Whether we realize it or not, we have evolved a large number of silent, automatic reactions to cope with the constant stress of living in a downward-pulling worlD.Only when we decrease or increase the effective force of gravity on our bodies do our minds perceive it.Our senses provide accurate information about the location of our center of mass and the relative positions of our body parts. Our brains integrate signals from our eyes and ears with other information from the organs in our inner ear, from our muscles and joints, and from our senses of touch and pressurE.The apparatus of the inner ear is partitioned into two distinct components: circular, fluid-filled tubes that sense the angle of the head, and two bags filled with calcium crystals embedded in a thick fluid, which respond to linear movement. The movement of the calcium crystals sends a signal to the brain to tell us the direction of gravity. This is not the only cue the brain receives. Nerves in the muscles, joints, and skin—particularly the slain on the bottom of the feet—respond to the weight of limb segments and other body parts.Removing gravity transforms these signals. The inner ear no longer perceives a downward tendency when the head moves. The limbs no longer have weight, so muscles are no longer required to contract and relax in the usual way to maintain posture and bring about movement. Nerves that respond to touch and pressure in the feet and ankles no longer signal the direction of down. These and other changes contribute to orientation illusions, such as a feeling that the body or the spacecraft spontaneously changes direction. In 1961 a Russian astronaut reported vivid sensations of being upside down; one space shuttle specialist in astronomy said, 'When the main engines cut off, I immediately felt as though we had inverted 180 degrees.' Such illusions can recur even after some time in spacE.From the first two paragraphs we learn that weightlessness is caused by ______.A.many factorsB.the dominant and single movementC.jerking the bodies back and forthD.losing the dependence of gravity

未知题型 Whether we realize it or not(ParA.3), 'it' refers ______.A.weightlessnessB.the continuous and universal nature of gravityC.the fact that our bodies never forgetD.the previous statements