
问答题 Fill in the blanks with the expressions below, change the form where necessary. target; refresh one’s memory; measure; make a point of doing something; accompany; last but not least; point out; at hand; pay off; principal 14. Being a teacher of two large classes, David always _______ spending as much as he can with them.

单项选择题 By applying the philosophies and principles of Sun Tzu,                can peacefully be overcome.  A、confront  B、conflict C、confess D、concentration

单项选择题 Mark the following statements as true or false 3. The listener in high context cultures should be able to recognizeimplied messages. A、正确 B、错误

单项选择题 点电荷-q位于圆心O处,A、B、C、D为同一圆周上的四点,如图所示.现将一试验电荷从A点分别移动到B、C、D各点,则(   )

多项选择题 对于买车的人来讲,下列动机中属于感性动机的有 A、求实 B、求便 C、求美 D、偏好 E、求名


单项选择题 多民族、多文化是美国文学的重要特征之一。( )

多项选择题 In order to enjoy the macroeconomic benefit of globalization, government of different countries generally issues its warm policies to speed up the rapid pace of globalization. Those warm policies include: ().

不定项选择 1978年的十一届三中全会标志着中国进入了社会主义初级阶段

单项选择题 在抗拉连接中采用摩擦型高强度螺栓或承压型高强度螺栓,承载力设计值 。 A. 是后者大于前者 B. 是前者大于后者 C. 很多时候相近 D. 很多时候不相等